rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Monkey needs more clothes (growth spurt)

So I was shocked when the size 2 clothes from grandparents fit.  Then i was shocked when his romper was to small.  I threw on. Size 3 outfit the other day...the fit was baggy but pants stayed up.  Apparently monkey had a growth spurt, no biggie.  At the park i hear "can you tell him to share" "can you make him hurry up the steps" (to the slide) "oh he isn't talking yet??". To which I keep explaining he is one....his birthday was only a couple weeks ago....yes just had his first bday".  It's frustrating.  He's my perfect monkey.  I'm the mama who doesn't want her little baby criticized.  All us moms feel that way.  And so he was weighed and measured.  26lbs.  That didn't sound right, he's slimmed down and not that chunky.  34 1/2 inches.  Wait; what?  Thirty-four and a half inches?  Where is that on the chart.  Doctor doesn't use chart for Native Breastfed babies, WHO charts don't include First Nations.  OK. But if you used it where would that be.  Above the 100th percentile, average size of a 2 year old.  100th percentile for am 18month old.  Well that explains the comments....sort of.  He babbles like a baby.  He's a solid walker but walks like a newly turned toddler. Not a 2yr old.  I have to say its hard to swallow that my lil monkey is that big....and how to tell Daddy that we need all new clothes (more fabric)?. 

I have a suggestion moms.  Watch comments and pay attention.  The baby with eating and dress....likely a girl.  The brown tiddler with a braid and daddy's little slugger shirt... Likely a boy.  Baby not walking. Make a cute comment.  My solution to such a convos the other day was telling the adoring mama that such a beauty of a princess knows she should be carried instead if walking like the commoners.  She laughed and smiled and showed be the sparkly little shoes she just bought her.  And the waddling, babbling lil Monkey on the play ground is likely just a big busting baby, not and under developed 2 year old. 

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