rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Sleep talk

Ok well sleep rant lol. 

Everybody needs sleep (ask any mom with eye circles. 

Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and primary aged kids need lots of it.  Naps (except for most primary aged) and early bed times are a must.  Melatonin is produced in our bodies in a cycle about 30 min before our young ones need sleep. 

Lights, TV, cell phones and tablets etc interrupt this.  Ban them as bed time nears. 

3 -  4 year olds hate sleep the most!! You must pull up your big girl/boy pants and parent to make it happen. 
Your child running around at 10pm "completely un-tired" is NOT the exception.  They are an example of a parent not insisting on a decent bed time.  They may appear super energized but the reality is they area over tired and you are screwing up their sleep schedule. 

Take the TV (etc) away.  Break your bad habits, and do not let them come out of that room.  No Excuses.  Do not use supplements (like melatonin from the drug store. 

Yes you might be camped outside their room for the next 6 months. It will be worth every penny

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