rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Monday 9 February 2015

Clothing your CD babe - longies, shorties, skirties

Clothing your cloth diapered little one is different then clothing a disposable diapered baby.  This is because CD babes have fluffy bums and disposable babes have increasingly trim bums.  As disposable bums get trimmer commercial clothing for babes and toddlers get trimmer too making it much harder to clothe a CD babe in commercial clothing then it was when I had my older children.  Thankfully as cloth diapering gets more popular (particularly in the states, cuz they have a much bigger population then there is here in Canada) more options come along for CD families. 

Today I am going to talk about longies, shorties and skirties.  Traditionally these are wool,  but they can also be water resistant fleece.  They can be knit, crocheted, sewn from yardage, upcycled or purchased (particularly online). 
These are a brilliant option that is both a diaper cover and clothing or pj's all in one piece!  The are adorable too.  Longies are wool or fleece pants.  Shorties are wool or fleece shorts.  Skirties are longies or shorties (or a soaker cover) with a skirt attached. 

Wool is an amazing textile for clothing in that it is temperature regulating.  So they are great whatever the weather.  They can be more then just pants and shorts too.  Overalls, jumpers and old school rompers are all possible in wool and fleece.  You can also make or buy wool or fleece sleep bags, cocoons and themed outfits.  The other great thing is no worries about damp clothes from pul leaks, the clothing is the diaper cover, and wool is known for its bullet proof leak protection .  Allergic to wool? You'll love soft cuddly fleece.

Baby might not be able to wear those skinny jeans like the baby down the street but the adorable options will have your neighbours oohing over your fluff bum and fluff bum clothing.    Stay tuned for more adorable options in future posts.

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