rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Thursday 5 November 2015

accidental felting

So in a previous post I talk about how you don't need to felt wool, and I don't.

Sometimes it happens by accident when dad (let's blame him lol) throws your favorite night time wool in the wash.  Leya face it, he isn't going to do it to the pair you don't care about cuz they are in the back of baby's dresser.  There isn't much you can do.  If they are too small you can save them for the next baby or pass them on.

Now say you don't let dad do the laundry for this reason and you carefully hand wash and lano your wool.  You may find the crotch felts over time, or the knees (for older babies), or the thighs (for chunky babies).  Don't panic.  It is going to happen.  It won't be supper felted and (in the instance of the crotch) the felting will make it work a little better.

I consider this type if felting the natural wear and tare and breaking in process.  Let it be.  You might want a wool shaver if it gets fuzzy.  That's up to you and all about looks.

Enjoy and relax mama's! Relax.

what I've been up to.

Well I have been hand sewing my lil monkey a felt campfire set for Christmas (inspired by pintrest).  Along with Halloween costumes and homeschooling Ko-Ko (15 yr old big sis) its been very busy here.

Monkey is almost talking which should help the potty process.  He pulls off his pants post pee still, good sign but not trained yet.  Almost ready.  Almost lol.

The last month (just turned 18 months last week) has been leaps and bounds for him.

The campfire is taking more time then expected.  Some nights Ko-Ko and I sew our fingers off.  Other nights she reads and I attend to an increasingly ill daddy monkey.  We blog the campfire progress so rest assured it will be here as a tutorial when complete.  We have rocks, graham crackers and log cushions k(to sit on) left to do.
(So far)