rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Monday 8 June 2015

Hand washing diapers - grape stomp method

I have at times been in a position where hand washing my diapers was the most practical option.  Hand washing diapers is thoroughly us doable.  However this is a method I recommend only for natural fiber diapers (cotton and it hemp).  Also it is best for diapers that are not thick (flats, prefolds,  butterflies).  Some Fitted's, Mini's and AI2's can be hand washed but it depends in construction.  First, natural fibers.  Second, thin layers (soaker layers that are max 4 layers when opened up). 

Fill tub (hot water if possible) with correct punt of detergent for load being washed. 

Spread out opened diapers. 

Roll up pants, or wear shorts, or shirt skirt. 

Stop in tub like you were stomping grapes for about 15 min. 

Drain tub and wring out diapers. 

Fill tub with cool (not cold, you'll freeze your feet) water.  Mix with white vinegar. 

Put diapers back in. Opened up.  Stomp 5 min. 

Wring and shake out diapers, then drain tub. 

Hang (if possible in sun) diapers till dry. 

• do in morning for full day if sun.
•iron when dry to soften up diapers.
•if you have access to a dryer, throw dried diapers in dryer with a wet (but not soaking) cloth for 5-10 min to soften up.
•soak pail in vinegar water while washing diapers, then rinse and wipe when done.
•put music on and dance/stomp out the diapers
•enjoy the healthy exercise while getting diapers cleaned
•yes I use same detergent when hand washing.  I use xtra or gain.  Tide is also very good.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Yeah, I said that.

Its no secret I think disposable diapers and disposable diapering customs are gross.  So when I saw the petition to make pampers correct their pamphlet about diapering (pampers good, cloth gross), i also shared to fb, where i posted my opinion about it.   And I directed my comments towards the Pampers conpany

Well, what a fb backlash I got from some lol.  It seems some disposable diaper moms took it personally that I disapproved of Pampers making a diaper that lasts 12 hours (cuz that's nasty), or all their chemicals.   So let's get this straight.   Me criticizing Pampers is a mommy wars act?  But if a mom chooses disposable diapers cuz she thinks handling cloth is gross, that's not.  Kind of like if a mom raves about breastfeeding that's a mommy war, but if moms talk about how they could never bring themselves to nurse in public or "I can't believe she is STILL nursing, at that age"....that's not a mommy war?  

Let you in on a secret.  Mommy wars are an imagined construct created by commercial retailers to attack things they can't profit from, and moms have stupidly bought into it!  There has always been different parenting styles and choices.  There has always been moms insecure enough about their choices that they felt defensive.  Thay they now can demean another mom and accuse her of a so called mommy war simply because she is insecure in her choices and doesn't want to hear that there are better options, that's new, and ridiculous.  And yes BETTER choices cuz Breast is best. Science proven.  I could go on, but I'll leave it at that cuz I have a diaper to change. 

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Where Can You Get My Diapers

Well if you sew you can make your own!  I've made several tutorials.  Most of our stash is butterfly fitteds.  I have made them on the following combinations which I will list from most to least absorbent.  That said the least absorbent are still awesome and are as absorbent as needed for day use.  For night, they'd need a doubler. 
*for those new to butterfly's, the sides are folded in, tripling each layer
•1 cotton fleece (with micro fleece sewn to one wing), 1 hemp fleece
• 1 CV (cotton velour), 1 hemp fleece
•1 flannel  (with micro fleece sewn to one wing), 1 hemp fleece
•3 flannel

Will I be selling these, like my mai tei?
I honestly don't know.  I'd like to see more hemp diapers out there, especially since I'm all about natural (for real natural, not bamboo-rayon). 
If you email me, I might lol.  My biggest issues are:
• what to charge that equals cost + labour and is still a fair price?
•snaps, I don't use them, really truly my diapers are snapless, but I think most like snaps.  And they are an added cost, and for sure added time.

I'll take input on that from those who want these.