rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Monday 19 January 2015

Do You Want My Completely Biased Opinion? -whats the best CD

Ok so I previously blogged about my dream diaper.  That does not mean I think it's the all around number one choice I would recommend.  I have cloth diapered 6 babies.  Its fair to say I have more experience then most mostly because nowadays most moms don't have 6 kids.  And i just want to try new things, sew new things all the time (im a genini),  I have also tried almost every diaper style (some styles are very similar to others).   Also having been at this for almost 19 years I have spent 19 years talking to CD moms and heard a lot of opinions.  And from those who have tried a range if styles I hear the same things over and over and tend to agree with their sentiments.  There are diaper styles I love, like, don't care for & down right hate.  Like I said, my completely biased opinion; knowledgeable, but biased lol. 

Not a fan of most modern cloth:
I admit it.  Not a fan of pockets, aio's or flips.  They aren't great overnight, they have leg wicking issues, pul has low breathability.  They don't wash so great.  They might be modern,   they might be popular, but it doesn't make them the best.  Most moms however only try these same styles in various brands over and over. 

Ditch those fabrics:
MF shouldn't touch the skin, washes terribly and has leak issues over time.

Zorb, better then MF but in the end has the same issues over time to a lesser degree.   Want to know why?  Cuz it contains MF!!

Bamboo-rayon.  It just ticks me off to no end that it is passed off as organic.  And well this is my completely biased opinion so there you have it, I don't like it cuz it's a big fat lie. 

Oh the laundry issues:
Yeah in my opinion the best cloth diapers do not take 3-4 hours to wash and dry in machines!  So you can bet that's another reason most modern cloth does not even come close to being considered in my biased opinion. 

(I'm loving saying that; my biased opinion lol).

I don't know about you but my mom schedule would rather have a bath then have a complicated 3 hour laundry routine every 2 days.  I got other laundry to do too ya know. 

And my washing machine shouldn't slowly destroy my diapers (good bye pul). 

The diapers I do like:
I like diapers with cotton and hemp.  I was skeptical of Minky and fleece but in limited layers I'm ok with it. 

I really like using HF's.  They are cuddly and easy to use. 

Prefolds work great and are an excellent newborn start.  And nothing but a flat will
wash cleaner.

Fitted's are awesome and an overnight work horse. 

Any of these choices will make you a happy camper. 

But the one diaper I would say is your best option
Butterfly fitted made of cotton or hemp, done up with pins or snappis, with wool covers and a few HF shells. 

The butterfly works just as well as a fitted.  But it washes like a prefold.  This is because its a modification of a prefold into a fitted.

3 layers of flannel, max.  Use hemp and you don't even need that! You have a small number of natural layers so it will wash like a dream.  Just a regular old wash cycle.  That's all.  No extra rinses, pre-rinses and on and on. 

The elastics give you a secure leg fit and waist fit.  Pins or snappi's; They last, they are easier then you think.  Velcro wears out.  Snaps are fiddly and there are like a gazillion of them (biased over statement).  And pins and snappi's give a better fit.  Pins also reduce wing droop.

Actually, for real, newborn to potty use.  Yeah none of this fits newborn at 10lbs garbage.  Pretty sure 10lbs is like the 100th percentile for newborn weight so yeah, whose newborn?  Use pins or snappi's and you can fold down front and or back for a truly, for real os fit. 

Wool is the night time miracle cover.  Its also great in the daytime.  No wicking sending you to change and wash an outifit like PUL.  No wearing out during kid #2 or 3.  Your grandbabies will be able to use them.  Why not use the best night time cover during the day? 

Add a few HF shells to throw over the butterfly.  It'll boost night time and is fun in the day.  I just like HF's, an HF shell however turns any flat, prefold, fitted and style in between I to an HF. 

It is easy to use:
Seriously, fold in sides and suddenly its a fitted.  It takes 2 seconds.  Quicker then stuffing, or snapping in a soaker.  Just fold it in.  A guy can do it, in fact a 12 year old guy could do it.  Ok your hubby is gonna hate pins unless you start him on day one or have him practice on a doll.  But he can and will use a snappi, or boingos. 

Yeah I get that I'm likely the first to say "I've tried them all; make some butterfly's".  But to back up my biased  opinion, the most common style to get the recommendation of best style is a fitted, with wool.  On peoples tests prefolds always rank equal to a fitted, more likely to leak due to less elastic, but easier to wash, and I think people are hesitant to say prefold cuz new parents might worry that if the best CD is what their mom used then maybe they will stick with disposables. 

Well the butterfly is the best of both, so there ya go, want the easiest all around CD experience?  Go butterfly and wool. 

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