rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Saturday 5 September 2015

sewing pattern copy right laws - myths debunked: link share and discussion.

First off, here is the article
Ok so a quick over view and thoughts. Basically everything you were told you "couldn't do" you can.  The only thing the copy right law protects is the printed pattern.  The article explains why. 
What you can't do:
•You can't sell someone else's pattern as your own. 
What you can do:
•Make as many things from one pattern as you like.
•sell items you make from that pattern. 
• not give credit for the pattern
•sell items with "licensed" prints (ie Disney).
• modify the pattern. 
•trace your favorite diaper, make a pattern from it and yep, even sell it.  
•sell a modified pattern.  As in when I modified monster bunz pants to be a romper, shorties or soaker.  I don't know if that then makes it my pattern or hers at that point but I don't supply my modification.  I do tell others how to do the same and that is totaling legal. 
Why have you been misguided?
•Money basically.  People want as much as they can. 
•misunderstanding.  People create something and assume the copy right covers more then they thought.
•ego.  Lots a people, especially with today's internet age want to be the big guy, and they feel that most when telling people what they can't do.  In a perfect world their ego would be flattered telling you what they can do, but sadly most aren't there yet. 
get sewing, selling and whatever else you wish to do just like the big designers out there.  Stop paying extra for "rights to sell", you have that.  Don't buy cottage licenses. Don't avoid the new frozen fabric prints.  Once you create it its yours! 

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