rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Part Time Cloth Diapers For Disposable Diapering Families

I was at playgroup this week and had a discussion with a Mom who uses disposables but has cloth on hand, another mom joined in and both agreed I could make the discussion into a blog post.  If you read this blog regularly you may know that I have some strong feelings about disposable diapers but I left that out of the conversation and so out of this post.  The second moms responses were a real surprise to me so read on!  Alright, here we go. 

Me: As a disposable diapering mom how many cloth diapers do you own and what kind?

Mom of 3:  I own 10 Kushies fitted diapers.
Kushies fitted, now kushies classic, 100% cotton flannel amd the vast majority of my original diaper stashes with my first 5 kids

Me: Kushies Fitted's? How long have you owned these?
*note to readers Kushies no longer makes their Fitted's due to the popularity of their aio's (all in ones).
**went to their site at end of this for links and the fitted is back, called the classic. 
Mom of 3 (mo3): I received them as a shower gift when I was pregnant with my oldest who will be 12 shortly.  My mom gave them to me and told me that although I planned on using disposables it was always good to have some cloth on hand just in case. 

Me: I forgot to ask, how many covers and what kind?

Mo3: No covers, my mom gave me a couple covers but I never used them and they disappeared over the years.

Me: So tell me about how and when you use cloth as a disposable diapering mom. 

Mo3: Well using disposables means you always have to buy more and inevitably I sometimes forget or don't notice that I'm low on diapers (as my mom wisely realized).  Having those 10 means I don't have to rush out of the house, it gives me about 24 hours to pick up more.  Usually that means calling my husband and asking him to bring some on the way home from work and we only have one car   He works 12 hour shifts so it can be a long wait.  Or if I run out the day before he gets paid, this happens more often then I'd like lol. 

Me: yeah, that would be a worry for me if I used disposables.  So having a days worth of cloth takes the stress off. 

Mo3: it sure does. 

Me: you said you don't use the covers, can you tell me about that?

Mo3: well if I run out I just throw on the cloth diaper and a T-shirt because his clothes don't really fit over the cloth diapers.  They did with my oldest, but not with my younger two. 

Me: I know, the jeans issue wasn't an issue with my older kids either.  So where do you keep your cloth diapers for your just in case events?

Mo3: in the linen closet.  Well I keep 8 in the linen closet and 2 in my diaper bag. 

Me: for those just in case moments out and about? 

Mo3: yes, but also for if we stop by the splash pad.  I hate how disposables react to water lol.  So if we stop by the splash pad I throw on a cloth diaper. 

Me: I have to ask why you don't use cloth full time? 

Mo3: I figured you would lol.  My husband hates the cloth.  Stupid reasons that would make you rant for sure.  That and I really don't like that you have to change them like all the time!  Disposables last longer. 

Me:  thanks for letting me do this :). Alright, now we got our next part time cloth mom.  

Me: as a part time cloth diaper mom how many cloth diapers and covers do you have and what kind?

First Time Mom (ftm): 1 dozen thirsties hemp prefolds and 3 wool sleep sacks. 
Two layers hemp jersey this has got to dry and wash as easybas a flat.  Hemp is an amazing absorber too.  And notice the waist band?, what a smart idea

Me: :0 (yeah I think I was shocked lol and maybe jealous, that's a sweet diaper). Wow, ok, not the answer I was expecting, I have lots of questions but let me try to do this in order.

Ftm: ok lol

Me: so since you said sleep sacks I'm assuming your using them at night?

Ftm: yes, just at night.
Omg, that's adorable!  It makes my ovaries hurt for a girl to put in this! 

Me: how did you come to use cloth just at night? 

Ftm: well I really had no interest in cloth diapering.  Its just not my thing.  I'm not into all that hippy all natural stuff and they don't fit under the clothes I like for her.  I like designer stuff. 

(I totally believe this statement as she bottle feeds her 7th month old and the two of them are dressed to the nines.  And they always arrive with baby in a car seat so I'm guessing they drive and I've never seen her with a baby carrier in her huge but gorgeous jujube diaper bag)

Ftm: but she frequently woke up with an exploded diaper and these weird clear bead things coming out of it.  It was gross and a lot of laundry.  So I asked around and the only person with a solution was a mom like you who said cloth diapers with wool.  She said it was bullet proof. 

Me: it is.

Ftm: so I went online and found Kelly's closet.  They looked like the best choice.  I found disana wool sleep sacs on Ava's appletree.  We've never looked back, they were an excellent choice. 

Me:  what fold do you use?

Ftm: bikini twist. 

Me: that's an excellent choice.  Do you use snappi's or boingos? 

Ftm: I started with snappi's but they tore the  jersey a little so I ordered more, sold the old ones and found pins on eBay like you suggested.

Me: lol I thought you wanted them for a shower game or something

Ftm: yeah I figured but I didn't want to say anything and have you try and talk me into cloth full time.

Me: K, I'll try not to but I have to ask if they work so well why don't you use them during the day, cuz I'm sure anyone reading this will wonder why also. 

Ftm:  I don't want a full load of diaper laundry every other day plus like I said the issue of them fitting under her clothes or giving her a bubble butt. 

Me: ok.  I've got to say its a very trim diaper choice, I bet a wool side snap cover would be trim, but yeah still bigger then a disposable.. A little.  Alright, are the hemp jersey prefolds as soft as they claim?

Ftm: Yes!  In fact so soft I bought hemp Jersey sheets for my bed.

Me: lol, that's awesome.  I'd like to make a dress out of hemp jersey.  One more question for both of you; do poopslpotions not make you think of switching to cloth full time?

Mo3: we still get the rare poopslpotion. 

Me: ah yes, the old Kushies fitted had no back elastic, the cover stopped the poopslpions mostly plus I added back elastic to mine (*note I'm wondering if the new ones have back elastic)

Ftm: I bought this thing like a belly band for babies that goes over the disposable to stop poopslpotions.

Me: does it work?

Ftm: yes and its cute, but I have had a few get ruined stopping the poop, but it didn't get on her clothes. 

Me: and that doesn't add to the laundry?

Ftm: I threw the ruined ones out. 

Me: well mama's thank-you for doing this with me.  Its been interesting.  I knew some cloth moms used disposables part time, but not the other way around. 
If your interested in the cloth these disposable moms use here are some links. 
Thirsties Duo Hemp prefolds from Kelly's closet here. And check out other items from Kelly's.
Kushies Classic here.  Also check out their other items (including clothes that fit cloth diaper bums.  And I have to say their clothes are super soft and cuddly.
And wool sleep sacks on Ava's Apple tree here. And of course other products. 

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