rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

rocking a flannel butterfly fitted

Saturday 11 April 2015

Internet is awesome but it can't beat IRL (real life).

I've written posts to help figure out the best diapers and fabrics for you.  I've written which diaper style is best in my opinion.  What fabrics I prefer and which I dislike.  I'm on online groups discussing all kinds of mommy topics from cloth diapering to baby wearing, to nursing and natural parenting. 

No matter what the subject new moms and moms new to whichever topic always want 20 moms to tell them what's best.  The problem with this is that they will get 15 different answers from 15 moms who have tried it all and 1 answer from 5 moms who tried only the mainstream option. 

So what's a mom to do?  The majority of moms just don't have the cash to buy 6 baby carriers, 3 breast pumps, 2 strollers and 5 styles of diapers in 15 different brands.  I know I don't!

Well do some research online for sure, check out my post "Decision Help" Then go online searching for a local CD group, baby wearing group, LLL group.  Post an add on kijiji, at the library and a call out on your facebook page.  Then make arrangements to go meet these groups and moms IRL (in real life).  Ask to try on their carriers (with their babies if yours is still on the way),  ask to learn to put their fluff on their baby's bums.  Ask to see how different breast pumps feel (LLL).   

Now with cloth diapers you have the option of trying out a diaper trial program.  Sadly most let you try out a bunch of pockets and aio's; never letting you really try various styles.
However I did find two options and perhaps there are some local options for you. 
Natures Bumz
Nikki's Diapers.  *please note the Nikki's isn't a true trial program but a return policy that functions like a trial program to some degree.   
**because companies have to work with manufactures to bring you items they will require you to use CD safe detergent.  I suggest adding vinegar and once you own your own diapers switch to something effective (tide, gain, xtra).  A diaper trial program has to strip after return so the CD safe detergent isn't an issue for them. 

Can't I try on different carriers at Walmart or Babies R Us?  Sure you can.  Here's the downfall.  The staff doesn't know anything about carriers,  the variety will be limited.  Consumer protection policies fail in the carrier business and allow the sale of carriers that are bad for a baby's hips, and you won't have the advantage of someone showing you how to use it properly. 

I know the real world can be scary but breathe deep and jump in.  The best part is you will meet moms and make mommy friends.  If this is your first that is especially important cuz very shortly your going to discover that your non mommy friends will have the same interests and opinions they always had while yours have suddenly gone down a very different road.  You will want and need mommy friends.  You might not believe me but I promise its true.

Have fun and jump into an IRL life today!

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